Lpt Realty 2nd annual convention was amazing and full of information on whats to come for the brokerage.
LPT Connect 2.0
Exciting things are coming to lptConnect with the introduction of lptConnect 2.0! RP expects to roll out our new intranet system in 3-6 months and he touched on some of it’s most exciting elements
LPT X Collab: RP went over the new approach to collaborative marketing, changing from “Listing Power Tools” to “Listing Power Tools X”.
The first feature of LPT X is called Collaborative Marketing and it’s where you will determine how your listing can be marketed by other agents inside lpt Realty Collaborative Open Houses is the second feature and this is where you as the listing agent have the power to control how other agents get access to hosting at your listing, as well as new requirements for hosting agents to purchase marketing materials, ensuring they have “skin in the game” when advertising your listing